
Single Family Dwelling with Detached Buildings
Manufactured Homes
Duplex Dwelling with Detached Buildings
Multi-Family Buildings (cost per unit)
Detached Buildings and/or structure
greater than 150 sq.ft.
Detached Buildings and/or structure
150 sq.ft. or less
Swimming Pool with fence
To erect, alter, replace or relocate a
permanent sign
Fence Permit (Residential)
Fence Permit (Commercial)
Certificate of Occupancy
(This is included in the Building Permit Fee)
Moving Permit
Demolition Permit
Exterior Remodeling/add on Permit up to $1000.00
Exterior Remodeling/add on Permit over $1000.00
Re-inspection Fee
(Upon failure of two inspections,
the third inspection will be charged.)
Filing fee for appeals to the
Planning and Zoning Commission

See Ordinance #88-7-18 for more information